After seven years of evangelism campaigns in Romania, we know that follow-up news is hard to come by once we return home. (Hence our plan to live there and be involved in discipleship training!) We stay in touch with translators and other church leaders but they may or may not live near the villages where the gospel was shared in homes and on the streets.
A few days ago, we received an email from Miriam, Jim's wonderful translator from 2009. Her father is a Pastor in Vaslui and she gave us good news! "The village where we were, now has new Christians coming to the church." She also writes, "in the gypsy village, ...God changed their hearts."
In the overall scheme of things, this may seem small. Knowing that God is faithful, we are satisfied that the Holy Spirit will do His work in those who respond to God's grace. We don't have to know, but how great of God to allow us to see the persevering fruit of His work!
As Ray Boltz sang in the 1980's... (Yes, we're showing our age!)
For only one
He would have suffered
And given up His life
For only one
He would have borne the shame
And made the sacrifice
For God so loved the whole world
He gave His only Son
But I believe He'd have done the same
For only one
Now some may say "Why bother?"
With only one or two
But Jesus knows the feeling
When the only one is you
So if you hear Him calling
Don't be ashamed to come
Even if... you are the only one
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes...... I Timothy 1:16
Our trip to Romania is only 4 weeks away! Hundreds will hear the good news that Jesus Christ died to pay for the sins of those who believe in Him. Please pray for us and all who will be reached!
Jim and Brenda